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354 Movie Reviews

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good art, good sound, crap movie.

Listen, I want to know the words. The slow intro, the one joke, the dumbass concept, all waste that nice art.

Get somone english to do your movies. I'm not giving any pity points to anyone who makes somthing in some forgien language to a site that is entirly english. (cept mabey spanish movies)

I don't know why that was funny.

I looked at it, the graphics where less then decent, the sound was okay, the movie was less then 10 seconds, but still funny. You gave me the perfect setup for a sucky movie and I still laughed. I still give it a 3.

Okay, that was funny

Nice twist, wonderful use of graphics, good sound, and still funny even though no one died. (exluding the outake) If you blam this your obviously a sick person who only enjoys the suffering of others.


This is a perfect example of my philosiphy: It's always funnier when it doesn't happen to you.

CabbageClock responds:

If you walk the straight and narrow, anything is impossible.


Okay, I know these guys. Anyway, this is good. Although the sound was out of sync (like you need another person telling you that) It was funny. Good music, original too.

I agree and I don't.

Okay okay okay, It was okay. I agree and I don't. (possible hideous grammer ahead)

Let me tell you my reasoning:

1. Napster songs and stickfigures and "vote 5 for somthing to happen" are annoying, and are worthless, and are not works of art. These pieces of crap do take up my time and waste my life.
2. However, you may be unintentally endorsing usless blamming. Xiao Xiao, Johnny Rocketfingers, both great stickfigure games/movies. You need to be carful about what you say.
3. The portal is not just full of crap like you say. Some movies suck with the intent to be great. NG to me is not a place where people make movies just to entertain me, but to show off thier skills to me, to practice them and to see if they are good at what they do. (often they aren't)
4. I think we should take your last lines into affect though. Get rid of all those movies that haven't had time put into them. But I disagree with what your saying "get rid of all those movies that aren't works of art." Thats too extreame of a statement.

I'll vote a 5 on this just to keep it's ratings high and for the hopes others will see this.


You know, I don't see how people can be such an ass about some of this stuff. My friend saw this and he's Jewish, he thought this movie was somewhat funny. I think it was Hitlar's voice because it doesn't sound evil.

But reviewing the movie, even though it was okay, I think it sucked. He thought it was funny but I didn't. Hard to understand the sound and the jokes were only fair. I'm giving it a 3 though.

wow. that took 5 hours?

Not bad. coulda been much much better if ya made side views of the latern guy. It would have been funner if you sped up the process. For your honesty I"ll give you a 5. It's a worthy cartoon.

The only people who don't find this funny either have no sense of humor or have a shitty sense of humor.

That was interestingly good.

Very funny. You did a great job in the beginning when the violence started. As the violence dimmed a little so did the action and humor, however I can't penilize you for great animation work (even for stick figures) good sound timing, creativness, and humor.
However I will only give ya a 4 because of the wierd referee. If thats you, well, keep yourself out of your movies.

.....sucked for the most part.

Your graphics really aren't the problem, it was mostly the song. I lost intrest a few times and wanted it to end. I agree with most of the reviewers. I'll give ya a 2 for effort though.

My reviews are tough, and my voting is strict. Keep in mind I'm only here to help you, but you have to put in effort. I'll give you passing points, but good luck getting a vote 5 or a review 10 from me.

Age 36, Male


Montgommery CCC

Abington PA

Joined on 8/11/02

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