View Profile Patricoo

354 Movie Reviews

64 w/ Responses

5 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

......hmmm, losing luster?

Yea, better keep it comeing more original, but this one it a little to much alike from the first ones, but thats okay, it's still great.


being a black stick has it's perks in stealth.

how can I?

Is is phsically possible that Someone can give this a bad rating and mean it? I think not.

I dunno

I dunno, i always liked 4 the best....

I'm afraid.

If I vote less then 10 on everything in this movie, I'm afraid that everyone from NG will attack me.

Nice, Above average job.

I haven't given a review for a good movie all afternoon, thank god for breaking that recored.

I've seen a hundred of these game being redone like this, and although it doesn't stand out amongst them, this movie was definatly funny and worth my time.

That was okay. a 2/5 for effort.

eh. Not bad. I've seen much better but actually it had enough effort in it for me not to blam it. And when you get to stab him, make the dude like react, not just sit there and get stabbed.

I don't know...

What was I supposta get out of that? Was it good, bad funny, creepy, what? I can't tell....landed right in the middle of crappy and funny, so I'll give it a neutral 2.

DWARFINATORclock responds:


Love it.

hahahahahahaha. Awww ,great job man. Graphics, sound matching, and humor. Love it.


wow. just...wow. OMg, this HAS to be stolen, the graphics are just too fucking beutiful. Amazing. This is great. I loved it. Nice for an intro episode though.

(10 isn't high enough for the graphics.)

Steve-castro responds:

Gee thanx I might be thinking about making these movie for ppl it may not be a game but maybe another movie'll do

My reviews are tough, and my voting is strict. Keep in mind I'm only here to help you, but you have to put in effort. I'll give you passing points, but good luck getting a vote 5 or a review 10 from me.

Age 36, Male


Montgommery CCC

Abington PA

Joined on 8/11/02

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