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You know what's also really bad? This. Boring as hell and graphics suck. It's all off. I give a 1/5. Sorry, but I didn't like it at all. I tried to because there looked like there was effort.

Yotsuka responds:

i understand u... even i wount give for this stuff a good rating...thnx anyway

ha, good.

hahha, You could use a little work, but for the most part I hope they let you in. (I love this because there aren't any dicks in it.)


That was good, really good. And true. I coulda gone today without the clown. *sigH* It's a clock cartoon, I shoulda known.


HOW THE HELL DID THIS GET BY THE REVIEW STAGE? my God...what is the world coming to?


besides that it was awsome. The intro had great music timing. Graphics great, everything wonderful, but some of it kept it from being amazing, (like you said)

It was pretty cool and a great idea. At no point was it too slow or too fast. Good idea with the captions.

As time goes along I hope you don't need those captions for his attacks.

for first time good....

I've never been any easier to first-timers, but This was still well done. Make it a little more fast paced next time around.

A little dissapointing.

hmmmm, interesting....

Okay, I see the point your trying to make here, and your right. (You did that this morning didn't ya?) You get a 3 for making a point and telling the truth. You think posts in the Message boards would be more approprate?

(I'm not an evil person for wanting to see that. You describe somthing I don't see, I'm gonna wanna see it. Curosity is a natral human instinct)

TheMaskedOutcast responds:

you don't wanna see it, a man had his head stepped on to keep him from squirming, and then a huge knife rammed into his throat, then sawing it open, with blood ozzing everywhere, and the garggling sound of him trying to breathe is enought o make you puke,... don't be curious, i was and wish now that i wasnt

erg, another medocure one.

good graphics and art, but the rest was bad man.
That was just too mean to Mexicans. I mean I'm up for insulting them and all, but that was pretty bad, and it wasn't even like funny bad, just bad. Use that talent for somthing else. Insult the Canadians.

Bachine responds:

Haha, its not really mean to Mexicans, its just mean to the guy whos on the video! Lol Canadians

A display of art, only

There is next to no point in watchin this. Good art, great effort. All this can count for is effort and a display of art. (and your girls are really odd, like Aries is odd. However I can't make too many insults. I usually just do background and objects.

My reviews are tough, and my voting is strict. Keep in mind I'm only here to help you, but you have to put in effort. I'll give you passing points, but good luck getting a vote 5 or a review 10 from me.

Age 36, Male


Montgommery CCC

Abington PA

Joined on 8/11/02

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