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354 Movie Reviews

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I agree.

I'm getting sick of it also man. I'm giving you a 1. I wasn't before but you just gave up on it little more then half way through. You could have made the world blow up or somthing.

Far from "the greatest" but definatly great.

It didn't really have alot of humor or action, which held it back a little, but not too much. A wonderful display of graphics. I hope you make more in the future. (I read you have 2 more to make. Get em finished, I like this series.)

Nope. Not worth watching.

So far I haven't gotten any good flash today. I haven't had to vote 0 so often.

Listen man, once again I have to watch a flash that has little or no effort put into it, and has no humor or any part of it entertaining. Whats sad is that by me giving you a 1 in the review, means that I have given you the highest overall score yet.

Thobbe responds:

NO EFFORT??? Just try and make a flash of your own! Tt aint really that easy. Dont complain about stuff like "no effort", when you havent even made a flash of your own!

*sigh* more sticks. More crap.

I don't see how people like this movie at all. I mean you can see obvious effort going on here, but this was more crap. Not interesting at all. There was nothing original about this movie ecxcept that it lacked blood. I'm going to kill someone if I have to keep watching sticks kill each other.

It was pretty funny.

Okay, that was funny, but if your going to make the graphics the same next time around, I want to smack your head against the keyboard until you bleed. Seriously.

I read your too lazy to do layers? You dumb piece of crap. That means your too lazy to make a good flash right? *sigh* Oh well. More crap to fill the data base.

RaZ2 responds:

The graphics are gonna be like, totally, 1000x better.

And you like men.

Nice tribute, bad movie.

There wasn't really anything special about this. Just a moderadtly, somewhat well-done flash. I'm trying to think back to 9/16/2001, (the day this movie came out) and rate it as though I was watching it then.

I like it. Nice tribute, hearts in the right place. This movie wasn't really ment to be super entertaining.

wow, high rating, a shitty movie.

Ah HA! He's a clock! So thats why this piece of crap is rated high! I see. Listen clocks, if you have a clock that sucks and can't do flash, TELL HIM THAT! don't sit by doing nothing! come on you morons, giving him a high rating only encorages him to make more!

This movie sucked. Just stop making them now if your going to do more of these. No humor was in it, no good grpahics, no real sound, bad bad bad bad, CRAP. The ray-man style people suck. They look like you drew the guy then took the eraser and got rid of thier necks arms and legs.

Just quit while your behind.

My reviews are tough, and my voting is strict. Keep in mind I'm only here to help you, but you have to put in effort. I'll give you passing points, but good luck getting a vote 5 or a review 10 from me.

Age 36, Male


Montgommery CCC

Abington PA

Joined on 8/11/02

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