that was great. Simply...great. Then again how couldn't it be if it's on the front page. Congrats.
that was great. Simply...great. Then again how couldn't it be if it's on the front page. Congrats.
very well done.
Him getting in the crotch, not funny. Why? Cuz I've seen it before. Everything else though I found hillarious. It was great. Good job. I laughed for a while after this. Still it lacks the quality to be amazing.
they guys didn't move...that sucked. But cool effects and movie music did really well. enough to get this protected by me.
I hate art films. There so...artsy. Yet I'm a good reviewer and I know that a film with high quality cannot be punnished because of a type I don't like. Good luck with more.
Nice music choice. I loved the ending. good job. I didn't find it that funny however.
...oohhhhh, so THATS where it comes from....
kickass ending. But a little too long, and sound would probably work too. But looking byond that, this was a GREAT flash to watch. I didn't check to see if you have other movies, but if ya do keep them up. If ya don't, DO MORE DAMMIT!
pretty cool
okay, it was cool, and it moved fast, but nothing new happened. If you DID get original stuff I'd give ya a 5. until then....
My reviews are tough, and my voting is strict. Keep in mind I'm only here to help you, but you have to put in effort. I'll give you passing points, but good luck getting a vote 5 or a review 10 from me.
Age 36, Male
Montgommery CCC
Abington PA
Joined on 8/11/02