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64 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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I wasted my life waiting for that window to open. I mean there was no skill in that flash at all. It was ALMOST humorous, and the music was good, so thats why you get a 1 right here. Besides that, it goes to the blam bin in my eyes.

(Don't lie about Exccesive nudity, or Violence. I hate it when people do that, even though I didn't expect any nudity after reading your authors comments.

Leigh responds:

dude, just wait. There IS nudity. People think it loops, but it doesn't.


This is a perfect example of my philosiphy: It's always funnier when it doesn't happen to you.

CabbageClock responds:

If you walk the straight and narrow, anything is impossible.

You can do better.

Did you do this in an hour? I mean yea, it was kinda worth a laugh, but this absolutly sucked. I'm not going to give you a zero because I KNOW you can do better this crap, I mean you obviously have the right sense of humor.

ballahizzle responds:

An hour? No. It took me about 20 minutes. BTW, ull like "ScrnSvr", which is my next movie, coming in a few hours from now.

moderatly funny

It doesn't deserve a 5 because it kinda sucked. I was still funny, and it won't get a 0 but there are parts that just, well suck. I don't know how to explain it, it just does. Oh, and that was the MOST, no, second most disterbing penis dwraling I've seen on newgrounds.

Joxa responds:

u aid attention to a cartoon PENIS! OMG! ah well great reveiw. Toink!

My reviews are tough, and my voting is strict. Keep in mind I'm only here to help you, but you have to put in effort. I'll give you passing points, but good luck getting a vote 5 or a review 10 from me.

Age 36, Male


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Abington PA

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