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ha, take that muppet bitch.

Well, it's short, but it's Kermit so it's funny./

TheShrike responds:

Thanks. It's short and simple, so I can understand your scores except the 'interactivity' score.. =?

Good graphics, about all.

Great graphics, great work. Visually apealing and everything. This obviously is a game not done overnight. 4Mb is a long loader.

Personally though I liked it, but not as a game. Try it as a movie. The game was annoyingly difficult. Some people would sit through it getting killed over and over again, continously getting annoyed. Then they get the boss and are destroyed because thier health is already near gone. Besides, I've seen this type of game about a million times over the internet.

But I can't say this is horrible or that you should stop. I'll give you a 6 here and a 5 on the main rating, just cuz I think you can get a better game out.

<deleted> responds:

the final product, and its sequel will have more cinematics but games were where doomhammr and myself's heart will always be. the final product will also have difficulty levels to please everyone complaining that its too hard. and just because you've seen this type of game a million times before doesn't mean you can't go and bring new innovation to it. this is very possible to beat though. you just need to strategize how you play.

oh sigh

ugh, didn't like it, and took too long...

Masculine responds:

took to long?

My reviews are tough, and my voting is strict. Keep in mind I'm only here to help you, but you have to put in effort. I'll give you passing points, but good luck getting a vote 5 or a review 10 from me.

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